Why PySide2 missed some attribute & method comparing to Qt?
Qt for Python
In QtCharts.QValueAxis,
Qt class has attribute tickType and its setter setTickType, but in PySide2 these two are missing
Qt/Pyside2 version are both 5.14, and these attr/method was introduced since 5.12
I checked its pyqt5 version code, it seems pyqtCharts keep these attr/method, why pyside2 lost them?
Is this a bug?
pyside2 document:
https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/PySide2/QtCharts/QtCharts.QValueAxis.html#qtcharts-qvalueaxisqt document:
https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qvalueaxis.html#tickType-propparts of pyqtcharts sip code:
%If (QtChart_5_12_0 -) void setTickAnchor(qreal anchor); %End %If (QtChart_5_12_0 -) qreal tickAnchor() const; %End %If (QtChart_5_12_0 -) void setTickInterval(qreal insterval); %End %If (QtChart_5_12_0 -) qreal tickInterval() const; %End %If (QtChart_5_12_0 -) void setTickType(QtCharts::QValueAxis::TickType type); %End %If (QtChart_5_12_0 -) QtCharts::QValueAxis::TickType tickType() const; %End![alt text](image url)
You should check the bug report system to see if there's already something related.