PinchArea and MouseArea
QML and Qt Quick
I have an issue mixing PinchArea and MouseArea.
Qt Version: 5.12.0
Example Code:PinchArea { id:pinchArea widht:1280 height:800 onPinchStarted: { console.log("pinch started"); } onPinchFinished: { console.log("pinch finished"); } onPinchUpdated: { console.log("Update"+scale); } MouseArea { id: mouseA anchors.fill: parent onPressed: console.log("mouseArea pressed"); onReleased: console.log("MouseArea released"); } }
PinchArea works fine, Start, Update and Finish events are triggered.
The problem is with MouseArea, before PinchArea takes the event, mousearea.pressed is triggered.
But mousearea.released event is never triggered, even after pincharea.finished.Is it a Qt bug ?
Do you know a workaround ?Thanks,