ListView model navigation with keyboard problem
Regarding this listview of texfields
I am using ListModel index delegate to scroll down between Textfields in my listview , forcing listView.currentIndex = indexOfDelegateThis is done using this func in the TextField :
if (indexOfThisDelegate < listView.count -1)
listView.currentIndex = indexOfThisDelegate + 1
}This works perfectly with the inital static ListModel provided.
Then, thanks to the "+" button, I can dynamically insert() a new element in the ListModel.
BUT the scrolling down with keyboard does not work anymore, the new item seem being ignored, or disordered .
I mean , after inserting line 1, between line 0 and 2, my focus goes down directly to line 2 hitting down key.
for unkown reason, if I click on each line and print the model index, the model index itself seems accurate.this situation has not happened if I append() elements to the list (but this is not what I want :-( )