ComboBox problem with using model(int) and delegate(ItemDelegate)
QML and Qt Quick
I have a problem with ComboBox. I have a C++ class that is name "program". I send some data from C++ to Qml. The data size in ComboBox can changes so I prefer use
model: program.kategoriSayisi //returns int value to ComboBox model. For example 9.
I send values from C++ to Qml ComboBox with this code.
text: program.kategoriAdi[index] //returns QVariantList value. I get values with index.
- In the first openning tha qml page, I cant see values. I see empty value. But I click the ComboBox, I can see values in dropdown list.
- When I select the value in dropdown list, I can't see the selected value. I see empty value.
Where is my mistake?
The code
ComboBox { id: katgKutusu anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: dp(2) eklenecekKatgYazisi.bottom anchors.topMargin: dp(2) width: parent.width*0.7 textRole: "text" down: true model: program.kategoriSayisi // program.kategoriSayisi returns int value to ComboBox model. For example 9. delegate: ItemDelegate { id: katgObjeleri contentItem: Text { text: program.kategoriAdi[index] //program.kategoriAdi returns QVariantList value. I get values with index. font.pixelSize: dp(4) elide: Text.ElideRight verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter } onClicked: { console.log("clicked:", program.kategoriAdi[index]) //When I click the some object in combobox, I can see the selected name console.log("index:", index) katgKutusu.currentIndex = index //Is it wrong? } } currentIndex: 0 //I want to show first value in combobox onAccepted: { if (find(editText) === -1) currentIndex = find(textAt(index)) console.log("onAccepted") //never called! console.log("currentIndex: ", currentIndex) //never called! } }
Hello guys
After a few try, I found the solution. I hope it helps people.
ComboBox { id: katgKutusu anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter width: parent.width*0.5 textRole: "text" signal katgSecildi(var sira) //send index value (sira) to outside of ItemDelegate down: true model: program.kategoriSayisi delegate: ItemDelegate { id: katgObjeleri property alias seciliYazi: yazi.text contentItem: Text { id: yazi text: program.kategoriAdi[index] font.pixelSize: dp(3.5) yazikarakteri1 color: tema.onplanRenk elide: Text.ElideRight verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter } onClicked: { katgKutusu.katgSecildi(index) //send index value to outside of ItemDelegate } } onKatgSecildi: displayText = program.kategoriAdi[sira] //assign index value of selected value to displayText' displayText: program.kategoriAdi[0] //in first run, it shows first value of array } }