QML/C++ not Rendering w/ Imagine Automotive Style
I'm using QML as part of QT 5.11.3. I have a few custom QML/C++ components that utilize OpenGL ES 2.0 on an embedded platform. Everything has been working great, but when I include the Imagine Style from the automotive example, I no longer see the content from my custom components. I was able to verify this by disabling the [Controls] and [Imaging] properties in qtquickcontrol2.conf, which revealed my custom components on screen.
I'm not sure what is going on. I'm still getting paint events, and I was able to further verify this using the opengl under qml squircle example.
Any ideas?
Are you using the Qt for Automotive product ?
Nope. I like the style and wanted to use a small subset of widgets for an R&D demonstration.
At this point, I'm evaluating QT & QML for an augmented reality (AR) head-up display to simplify UI development. The challenge is including a video overlay w/ OpenGL ES processing at 640x512@60Hz. I'm also experiencing issues maintaining a stable 60Hz frame rate, but that's another topic.