Image in Rectangle does not show
QML and Qt Quick
I tryed annother code from an example. But it does not work.
Following code:
import QtQuick 2.14 Rectangle { id: root width: background.width; height: background.height Image { id: background source: "assets/background_medium.png" } }
When I run this I get a window which appears in the top left corner of my screen with size = 0. I can drag it bigger but nothing shows.
I don't get the usuall message that the image could not be loaded so It should be ok.
Why is it not working?
@sandro4912 said in Image in Rectangle does not show:
width: background.width; height: background.height
It sounds crazy but now It works.
What I did. I changed the code to this:
Rectangle { id: root Image { id: background source: "assets/background_medium.png" } width: background.width; height: background.height }
Then run it. And it worked.
Afterwards I changed this back to the original
Rectangle { id: root width: background.width; height: background.height Image { id: background source: "assets/background_medium.png" } }
And now this also works.