How to install a valid qmake.exe for MinGW?
Hello, I downloaded and installed the open source Qt Creator using the web installer and took the default options. Prior to this I haven't done any Qt development on this machine, so I don't have a Qt sdk installed. I was able to get the examples installed by installing a MinGW from the Qt Creator installer.
Now I'm stuck because I don't have any valid kit Qt Versions in Kits.
Does anyone know which check-boxes in the installer will supply a valid qmake.exe for MinGW? I see options for MSVC, but i'm not using the MS stack.
In addition, does anyone know where to get a Windows Qt SDK Installer?
I'm about to give up on Qt, I can only guess that the "Qt Company" is taking a free and open source technology and making it very difficult to use for free. Shame, Qt always seemed like something that would stay pure and un-obfuscated. Now it's starting to feel corporate and capitalistic.
Hi @PRSurface,
it seems you did not select a Qt version in the installer. If you want to use MinGW, you should select a Qt MinGW version with the same bitness as the compiler.
This should set up everything correctly.