hide() or load data on constructor in QDialog?
Hi !.
I have a QMainWindow that has a QMenu , there is a QAction that opens a QDialog window, this QDialog window has a QTableWidget, it reads from a std::vector<MyObject>, where MyObject is an object that contains QString fields that will be loaded into the table...
What is the most orthodox way to follow:
show() QDialog ... load data table on constructor from std::vector use it then close(), this will delete the QDialog window pointer so each time i open this will need constructor to read data
show QDialog ... load data table from std::vector then hide() (it will load data once, but will be kept on memory)
any other way?
Do you want to trade speed or space? How big is the data, how often do you show/hide dialog? Your choice! -
That is a good point, i'm really not sure how much data is going my client manipulate... the only think i know is speed is more important... so i guess hide() makes more sense to me right now..
The good point is i confirmed with your answer that both ways are fine.