The Axis do not match with the serie
General and Desktop
Hi every Qt collage! I hope all be fine!
Ok, I have a problem. I trying to plot a data (no important date: the data come from Arduino), and all is fine but, the the axis values do not math whit the series values.
I tried some possibility.
1.lineserie->append(count, value_a); chart->removeSeries(lineserie); //to remove the before serie and add the new one chart->addSeries(lineserie); chart->addAxis(axisX, Qt::AlignBottom); chart->addAxis(axisY, Qt::AlignLeft); lineserie->attachAxis(axisX); lineserie->attachAxis(axisY);
Should be work I think... using the attachAxis() function, I suppose that the axes refresh it sealf and/or the line inside the chart. But that do not happen!!!
- In the second try I refresh manually the values of the
where count is the current data received ... I put tha range 10:34 (temperature)
lineserie->append(count, value_a); chart->removeSeries(lineserie); //to remove the before serie and add the new one axisX->setRange(0, count); axisY->setRange(10,34); chart->addSeries(lineserie);
As you can see, there is a "non-connection" of the serie whit the axes and/or vie versa.The best.
Al - In the second try I refresh manually the values of the