[Android] Audio duration = -1 when play a mp3 audio on website
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I am facing an issue with mp3 duration, it doesn't work well on android. This is my sample code:
import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Window 2.14 import QtMultimedia 5.14 Window { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr("Hello World") Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "lightblue" Text { text: "Click Me!"; font.pointSize: 24; width: 150; height: 50; Audio { id: playMusic source: "https://phubq.com/upload/EA/toeic_practice/part1/toeic_practice_p1_s10_0.mp3" onPlaybackStateChanged: { console.log("Current status: " + playMusic.playbackState) console.log("Duration: " + playMusic.duration) } } MouseArea { id: playArea anchors.fill: parent onPressed: { playMusic.play() } } } } }
This is output by os:
Desktop:qml: Current status: 1 qml: Duration: 0 qml: Current status: 0 qml: Duration: 17604
D libMP3Example_x86.so: qml: Current status: 1 D libMP3Example_x86.so: qml: Duration: -1 D libMP3Example_x86.so: qml: Current status: 0 D libMP3Example_x86.so: qml: Duration: -1
I don't know why on Android, that duration is -1. In my project, I need correct value to use for Slider.
Btw, I tested on iOS, and it worked well, then it seems this happens only in android system.
It also works well if I use mp3 file as resource instead play online mp3.
This is my system info:Qt5.14.1 Android studio: 3.5.2 NDK: r20b
Any one have solution for this or met this before?