After Promote to... header file can't be found
I implement QScienceSpinbox in my project: link text
So I have
in folderMyPrj/GUI/other/QScienceSpinbox.h
In Designer I add QDoubleSpinbox and promote it to QScienceSpinbox. Then inui_myform.h
(designer file) it itcludes like:#include "QScienceSpinBox.h"
but this file is inMyPrj/GUI/other/QScienceSpinbox.h
The problem:
If I manually change from#include "QScienceSpinBox.h"
to#include "/GUI/other/QScienceSpinbox.h"
then I can launch my application but whenever I change this file via Designer it changes back to#include "QScienceSpinBox.h"
ALso there is warning :
ui_readsegyform.h:32:10: warning: non-portable path to file '"GUI/other/qsciencespinbox.h"'; specified path differs in case from file name on disk -
You can specify a path when promoting the widget.
warning: non-portable path to file '"GUI/other/qsciencespinbox.h"'; specified path differs in case from file name on disk
As the warning tells you - the filename on the disk is not qsciencespinbox.h - but since the filesystem is case-insensitive it works for you but may not work on another OS (like .e.g Linux) - so fix the name.
@Christian-Ehrlicher thank oy that works