Why can't QSqlDatabase be a dynamic variable?
I have my connection working via odbc in Linux using
but it fails when I put :
db_ptr=new QSqlDatabase(); db_ptr->addDatabase("QODBC","db");
All other db settings are set by the same methods just changing . to ->
Is it by design that static should be used?
Actually it compiles fine here
auto db_ptr=new QSqlDatabase();
docs says
"Warning: It is highly recommended that you do not keep a copy of the QSqlDatabase around as a member of a class, as this will prevent the instance from being correctly cleaned up on shutdown. "So you dont need to store a pointer to it.
it has access to it already via QSqlDatabase::database (static call)
setQuery(SelectStr, QSqlDatabase::database(LOGDBSTR));
so in 99.999% of all cases you do not need to keep a pointer to it :)
QSqlDatabase is a singleton that manages all the database connections. It's all explained in the documentation of the class.
Beside that, addDatabase is a static method returning a QSqlDatabase instance so what you are doing has in fact no effect and you are manipulating an invalid QSqlDatabase object.