Run script only in Release mode
Qt Creator and other tools
I have Qt Creator run a script every time I do a build (for versioning). I'd like that script to only run for release builds. Is there a way I can do that?
I currently have: = src/include/version.h versionTarget.depends = FORCE versionTarget.commands = cd ..; pwd ; echo update version ... ; ./ ; touch src/include/version.h PRE_TARGETDEPS += src/include/version.h QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += versionTarget
in my .pro file.
Gerald -
hey, @GeraldBrandt
this should work
CONFIG(release, debug|release){ = src/include/version.h versionTarget.depends = FORCE versionTarget.commands = cd ..; pwd ; echo update version ... ; ./ ; touch src/include/version.h PRE_TARGETDEPS += src/include/version.h QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += versionTarget }
take a look at the documentation section scopes and conditionsI believe for Linux the identifier is unix