Build QtOpcUa with open62541 and encryption support
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to use QtOpcUa with open62541 backend for my work. To get familiar with QtOpcUa i have played with the example "opcuaviewer" .
However there seems a problem how the open62541 library was built. If i'm trying to connect to and endpoint with SecurityPolicy the following logging messaged appears:Warning: The open62541 plugin has been built without encryption support (C:\Qt5.14\5.14.1\msvc2017_64\qtopcua\src\plugins\opcua\open62541\qopen62541backend.cpp:786, void __cdecl Open62541AsyncBackend::connectToEndpoint(const class QOpcUaEndpointDescription &))
Warning: Unsupported security policy: "" (C:\Qt5.14\5.14.1\msvc2017_64\qtopcua\src\plugins\opcua\open62541\qopen62541backend.cpp:788, void __cdecl Open62541AsyncBackend::connectToEndpoint(const class QOpcUaEndpointDescription &))I used the following link to build QtOpcUa But instead of "git checkout 5.12" i used "git checkout 5.14" .
So what do i need to do that open62541 is built with encryption support?Any help is appreciated-
Thanks in advanced :)