Need advice about building blocks for graph plot
Here are samples of our graphs created in our custom GUI library.
What building blocks of Qt should I use to the same functionality?Notes:
- graph may be filled with a color; it is defined at startup
- there may be the envelope for the graph using three different colors; data source will instruct the graph to change a color of graph
- there may be serifs on graph; data source will instruct the graph to draw a serif
How is it possible to combine Qt things (Qt Charts: QLineSeries, QScatterSeries or others) to create such graphs? Is it possible by Qt QML + Qt Quick? Is it possible to use OpenGL hardware acceleration?
Regards, Vitaliy
@VitaliyBortsov said in Need advice about building blocks for graph plot:
How is it possible to combine Qt things (Qt Charts: QLineSeries, QScatterSeries or others) to create such graphs?
You could create a custom LineSeries (by subclassing), but I dont know how it affects the OpenGL compatibility.
(The example page below says:Note: The OpenGL acceleration is only supported for QLineSeries and QScatterSeries.
So I guess you have to subclass at least one of them to keep OpenGL support (Don't know how a subclass of their base classQAbstractSeries
+ OpenGL would behave)@VitaliyBortsov said in Need advice about building blocks for graph plot:
Is it possible to use OpenGL hardware acceleration?
Yes. Here's an example
You might want to have a look at Qwt and QCustomPlot as well.