QMainWindow based app dissapears in release
Hi, I have just built an app, based on QMainwindow in release mode (x64) in visual studio 2019. I have also used "windeployqt.exe --quick ." command via QT x64 command. While launching I was prompted to provide a few dlls: Qt5PrintSupport.dll, and 2 other libraries. After launching the app, it works well, and after pressing some buttons, and performing part of necessary operations (as well as associated data visualization) the GUI simply disappears.
Are there any tools to track the problem down?
In visual studio in debug and release everything is fine. Only launching app as a standalone .exe file the problem occurs.
Thanks -
@JohnCu said in QMainWindow based app dissapears in release:
so you use qml in your app ?
give the deployment tool the path to your qml files via --qmlDir -
It means your program crashed! It has a memory access violation (e.g. bad pointer value) at offset 0x02f5da in the executable. Which probably won't help you much to track it down in the source code, but at least you know why it is disappearing! -
@JohnCu said in QMainWindow based app dissapears in release:
in debug mode/release mode in visual there is no such issue...
Here's a starting point: https://exceptionshub.com/program-only-crashes-as-release-build-how-to-debug.html