[Qt Design Studio] Does QDS support graphical effect “ThresholdMask”?
QML and Qt Quick
I'm a designer. I have read the document and found that there is a QML type "ThresholdMask" which interests me.
(doc link:https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtgraphicaleffects-thresholdmask.html)But when I try it in Qt Designer Studio, it doesn't work.
version: QDS v1.2 community, Qt 5.12
code bellow:
import QtQuick 2.0 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 Item { id: root default property alias contentStack: stack.children implicitWidth: Math.max(32, stack.implicitWidth) implicitHeight: Math.max(32, stack.implicitHeight) Item { z: -1 id: stack implicitWidth: blend.source.width + blend.source.x implicitHeight: blend.source.height + blend.source.y visible: false } ThresholdMask { id: blend anchors.fill: parent source: root.background maskSource: root.foreground } property Item background property Item foreground property Item foo: Item {} Component.onCompleted: { root.background = stack.children[0] root.foreground = stack.children[1] } }
QDS screenshot:
Is QDS supports this QML type?
Thanks for your help. -
Yeah, it should work (as in it works for me). But i'm running the latest 1.4 release, perhaps try updating to that one?