Question to example simplebrowser and QWebEngineDownloadItem
I have a little question regarding the download mechanism in QT-WebEngine.
For this I took a look at the example "simplebrowser".There is a class "Browser" in which the "DownloadManagerWidget" receives a call to "downloadRequested". Then a path will be set where the download has to be saved.
The question I have is, how can I create my own QWebEngineDownloadItem, which will be created when the user hits "Save as"?
The background for this question is, that I would like to use that example to build a mini-download-manager, which will automatically download a file (no "Save as" user-action) whose url I read from the source-code (this I have already done).
If my question is not understandable, please let me know and I will try to precise.
Tom -
I found out myself.
You have to call triggerAction(QWebEnginePage::SavePage)