Problem with authentication after deployment
Hello everyone,
I create a application that uses QNetworkRequest and QNetworkAccessManager to do requests to an online API (JSON).
When I compile and tested it in the Qt Creator it works perfectly, but when I deployed it, the authetication of the login credentials don't work.
Again: the login work in Qt creator, but doesn't when deployed.
for deployment I used the cmd windeployqt.exe .
@LordCaca said in Problem with authentication after deployment:
online API
Is that a secure (HTTPS) URL you use to connect to?
If yes, it looks like you may have issues with the SSL handshake, probably issues with the OpenSSL libraries in PC you deployed your app.Is it possible you can gather more details about the login process (any log??) and/or capture network traffic (i.e. Wireshak) to the endpoint?
@Pablo-J-Rogina I'll try to wireshark, but both tests were made in my own computer.
@Pablo-J-Rogina said in Problem with authentication after deployment:
Is that a secure (HTTPS) URL you use to connect to?
You didn't answer to that question...
@Pablo-J-Rogina sorry, yes it is. it's from heroku (if it's important)
@LordCaca said in Problem with authentication after deployment:
if it's important
well, the idea is to confirm that the URL you're connecting to is using the HTTPS protocol.
And if so, it's likely you have an issue with the OpenSSL libraries not in the path in the scenario not working (when you "deploy" your application)
@Pablo-J-Rogina I solved the problem by coping some .dll files that qtdeploy didn't create. thanks for your time and help!
@LordCaca said in Problem with authentication after deployment:
I solved the problem by coping some .dll files that qtdeploy didn't create
Great! for the sake of completeness, could you please list those files and where you placed them? Thanks.