problem With Audio.Metadata At Qt5.12.6
QML and Qt Quick
hello guys i am a beginner In QT and My English is not Very Well so at the first i am sorry for that
I searched all sites and Froums for a solution but i cant find any way to fix it
so i creat this topic and i hope that you guys can help me
i want to make a musicplayer that play and pause the music with MetaData like title and cover image and ...
so i wrote this at QML(main.qml):Audio{ id:myAudio source: "home/milad/Downloads/tm.mp3" onStatusChanged: { switch(status){ case Audio.Loading: console.log("Music is Loading..."); break; case Audio.Loaded: console.log(" Seccsusfuly Loaded!");; break; case Audio.Buffering: console.log("status:buffering"); break; case Audio.Stalled: console.log("status:stalled"); break; case Audio.Buffered: console.log("status:buffered"); break; case Audio.InvalidMedia: console.log("status:invalid media"); } onPlaybackStateChanged: { switch(playbackState){ case Audio.PlayingState: //get music title if(metaData.title){ console.log("title is:"+metaData.title); } //OutPut is:' tmbax-babak zanjani 320' (music title is ok) //get music image Cover if(metaData.posterUrl){ console.log("poster: "+metaData.posterUrl); //OutPut is: 'poster: undefined' } if(metaData.coverArtUrlSmall){ console.log("small_poster:"+metaData.coverArtUrlSmall); //OutPut is: 'small_poster: undefined' } if(metaData.coverArtUrlLarge){ console.log("large_poster:"+metaData.coverArtUrlLarge); //OutPut is: 'Large_poster: undefined' } break; } } }
when i run it , i can see the title that i Log it but i cant see the Image Url and mylog is "undenified"
my Export Platform is Android And my OS is Ubuntu And my Qt Version is 5.12.6
so whats my wrong? please help me This is my biggest problem in my life
thanks -
guys? i am waiting already..