Windows scaling settings are ignored for part of the apps widgets
we have a problem with QWidgets in our Application which are ignoring the windows scaling settings. This does not
concern all Widgets but only Widgets which are below the widget representing the main content area of the app.It is clearly visible that the scaling is ignored for one of the tooltips shown in the screenshots. In screenshot 1 the tooltip is
shown if it is a child widget of the applications ribbon menu. In this case the windows scaling is applied and the text size
is increased. However, if the same Tooltip (same class) appears as a (sub-)child of the main content area of the application
(see screenshot 2), the windows scaling is completely ignored.This is not only true for the tooltip, but for all child widgets of the content area. The content area class is derived from QWidget
and implements the paintEvent, but nothing special is done besides drawing a pixmap.Does anyone have an idea what can cause this behaviour?
Thank You
We found the bug - we missed a style on one of the relevant parent elements.