How to place cursor at the beginning of a cell of QTableWIdget
How to place cursor at the beginning of a cell of QTableWIdget without changing the cursor contents
I am using following pyQt code
def show(self, node = None, index = None, subWindow = None,
width = None, height = None):
if width and height:
self.resize(width, height)
self.reset(node, index, subWindow)
super(self.class, self).show()
if width and height:
self.resize(width, height)
print#("\n I am here in table widget")
self.table.cellWidget(0,1).setFocus()The line self.table.cellWidget(0,1).setFocus() displays cursor but it empties the text in cellWiget .
My requirement is just set the Focus to cell widget of QtableWidget
Why do you need a cell widget for ?
That is legacy code . What is way to do that
That's not the answer to my question.
Again: why is that code using cell widgets ? What for ?