Quickview and layouts
I have a mainwindow on which a QHBoxLayout is applied.
To this 2 quickviews are added (which in turn 2 widgets are added) which house my tumbler.
And both of these widgets are applied to the QHBoxLayout layout.In the background of the mainwindow a movie is running.
But the quickview overlays this movie in white.
If I apply a stretch it does shrink it but as you can see from the pic the top and bottom are still white.
Is there any way to just have the quickview cover the qml contents only leaving the surrounding area free to display the movie.
I have tried anchors.fill: parent within qml but this doesn’t work.mstrWnd = new QWidget; //Creater main window widget mstrWnd->setObjectName(STR_MASTER_WINDOW_NAME); mstrWnd->setWindowTitle(getSettingI(MSTR_APP_TITLE)); //Assgin window title mstrWnd->setGeometry(getSettingI(MSTR_APP_X).toInt(), /Set default X position getSettingI(MSTR_APP_Y).toInt(), //Set default Y position getSettingI(MSTR_APP_WIDTH).toInt(), //Set default width getSettingI(MSTR_APP_HEIGHT).toInt()); //Set default height mstrWnd->setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::Window); mstrWnd->setWindowState(Qt::WindowFullScreen);
QHBoxLayout* laos = new QHBoxLayout(); mstrWnd->setLayout(laos); quickView = new QQuickView(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::currentPath() + "\\Resources\\videos\\aos.qml")); quickView->setResizeMode(QQuickView::SizeRootObjectToView); quickWidgettum = new QWidget; quickWidgettum = QWidget::createWindowContainer(quickView); quickWidgettum->setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::Window); laos->addWidget(quickWidgettum,15); quickViewdate = new QQuickView(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::currentPath() + "\\Resources\\videos\\aosdate.qml")); quickViewdate->setResizeMode(QQuickView::SizeRootObjectToView); quickWidgetdate = new QWidget; quickWidgetdate = QWidget::createWindowContainer(quickViewdate); quickWidgetdate->setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::Window); laos->addWidget(quickWidgetdate);
QML Rectangle { width: 400 height: 400 x:115 y:230 Column { /* outer column */ spacing: 10 Column { /* inner column */ x: 10; y: 10 spacing: 10 Rectangle { width: 180; height: 200; //color: "red" Frame { FontMetrics { id: fontMetrics } id: frame padding: 0 Row { id: row Tumbler { id: hoursTumbler objectName: "hour" model: ["1", "2","3", "4","5", "6","7", "8","9", "10","11", "12"] delegate: delegateComponent readonly property int hourcode: hoursTumbler.currentIndex + 1 } Tumbler { id: minutesTumbler objectName: "min" model: 60 delegate: delegateComponent readonly property int mincode: minutesTumbler.currentIndex } Tumbler { objectName: "ampm" id: amPmTumbler model: ["AM", "PM"] delegate: delegateComponent readonly property string ampmcode: amPmTumbler.currentIndex } } } } } } }
If I understand you correctly, than that is sadly not possible
Your background video ( a widget?) and your QQuickView tumbler (qml) have different rendering methods, that don't play nicely with each other
I was never able to correctly (partially)overlay one over the other -
@J-Hilk Hi
That worked great, thanks a lot.One last question. If you look at the pic attached.
The second quickview widget (quickWidgetdate ) is shifted off to the right within the QHBoxlayout.
Is there a way to move this over to the left manually.
At the moment it is aligned to the center of the screen of the application on which it executes.