flickering when hiding and showing widget
I put a button and label in a widget, when I set visible to the widget, I will got same problem with this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37640286/avoid-flickering-when-hiding-and-showing-widget.
It is have better way to solve this problem?qt version : 5.9.5
@OtisLin I don't know what your use case exactly is, but did you consider to use https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qstackedwidget.html ?
Thanks your reply.
My question like this. Button_A will set area C visible false. add Button_B will set area C visible true.
When the area C hidding and showing some times have flickering.It's look like layout problem. But still not found the key point. Maybe the QStackedWidget is the best way.
How is the connection between your buttons and the slots made ? This kind of issue often arises when there are several updates instead of one, which may be the case if A and B are grouped to be mutually exclusive. Do you use QPushButton::pressed or QPushButton::toggled ? It might be just because you simplified your issue to provide a minimal exemple, but it looks like you are using two buttons when you only need one (with a checked/unchecked state).
Can you put some debug code in your "setVisible" slot, to check if it's called only once each time ?
Does you still have that flickering is you put a breakpoint in the setVisible slot ?Last check : how is your layout made ? I guess C is a large widget that is inside a QVBoxLayout ? What happens when C is not visible ? Do A and B get lower, or is there a large bottom margin ? You may need a addStrech() at the end of your layout, if it's not already there.