Setting non-expanding text on an expanding Image
I have a Qimage on Qlabel which expands based on the window expansion. Hence the Image also expands.
I have set simple text into the QImage using Qpainter as belowQPainter* painter = new QPainter(&myImage); painter->setPen(Qt::red); painter->setFont(QFont("Arial", 5)); painter->drawText(myImage.rect(), Qt::AlignLeft, "MyText");
But i don't want the text on the image to expand . How can I acheive it ?
Also the image is going to be grayscale. Hence, the text also changes to grayscale. I want the text to be colorful (Eg : Red, white etc.).Any suggestions.
I would make my own QLabel and then simply first paint the image, then paint the text.
So the text is not part of the image but painted dynamically. ( that also allows for colors etc)
Currently, you make the text part of the image so it scales with it and is kinda hrd to remove again. -
@mrjj @SGaist
This code below is the paintevent overridevoid ClickableDistanceLabel::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
qInfo () << FUNCTION;QPainter p(this); p.drawImage(this->rect(), pixmap()->toImage()); QLabel *distanceLabel = new QLabel(this); distanceLabel->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Raised); distanceLabel->setText("Distance"); distanceLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft); distanceLabel->setGeometry(0,0,70,20); p.drawRect(distanceLabel->rect()); distanceLabel->raise();
But i don't get the text "Distance" on it.
Am I missing something. -
That will generate a billion QLabels !
since each paintEvent will allocate a new.
and besides its wrong to do allocate it in the paintEvent, that
you should do elsewhere if you really must use a QLabel.Anyway,
Why not just draw the text since you have a painter?p.drawText( 20,20, "Distance");
It can also take aligement options etc. -
The below code works. I need not create a label everytime.
QPainter painter(this); painter.drawImage(this->rect(), pixmap()->toImage()); painter.setPen(Qt::green); painter.setFont(QFont("Arial", 13)); painter.drawText(QRectF(0,0,90,20), "Distance");
If you want you could do
painter.drawPixmap(this->rect(), pixmap());
so you dont have to convert to QImage every time you draw.