Error when compiling mysql driver for Qt(Debian Linux)
I tried to compile the qmysql driver, but I get errors when compiling, specifically the error: /home/cesar/Qt/5.13.2/gcc_64/mkspecs/features/qt_plugin.prf:59: error: Cannot write file / mkspecs / modules- inst / qt_plugin_qsqlmysql.pri: Cannot create parent directory.
I don't know what the problem might be, I already placed the include corresponding to mariadb (/ usr / include / mariadb) and the library in the file.
As I read in StackOverflow, they seem to be permission issues, but it is assumed that being installed Qt in / home / Qt should not generate problems with write permissions, what do you think the problem might be? -
@CesarB794 Have you tried installing qmysql plugin,
sudo apt-get install libqt5sql5-mysql
and how did you installed QT?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Can you show the modifications you made ?
What sources are you using ?
How did you get them ?