QWebEngineHttpRequest - Post request
Hi there,
I tried to create a post request with QWebEngineHttpRequest to load it in QWebEngineView but this is not working as expected unfortunately.
Here is the goal. I have currently an simple http get request, and I would like to transform it in a post request, the server allow both requests then this should be not a problem of the server but from my request.
Here is an example. First I build my request to be a get (this works but is unsecured).
// Create the base URL this->apiUrl.setScheme("https"); this->apiUrl.setHost("www.domainname.com"); this->apiUrl.setPath("/path/of/the/api/end/point/"); // Create the query qurlqr.addQueryItem("Class", "Patient"); qurlqr.addQueryItem("Method", "CreateOrder"); qurlqr.addQueryItem("LoginName", login); qurlqr.addQueryItem("Password", password); ... qurlqr.addQueryItem("patCountry", "CH"); qurlqr.addQueryItem("treatmentCode", ""); this->apiUrl.setQuery(qurlqr); // Create an engine view widget QWebEngineView *webView = new QWebEngineView(this); webView->load(this->apiUrl);
This code works and do a GET request. Now I would like to transform this query in a post request inside my QwebEngineView, to do that I wanna create a QWebEngineHttpRequest .
Then here is the code to transform this :
// Create the base URL this->apiUrl.setScheme("https"); this->apiUrl.setHost("www.domainname.com"); this->apiUrl.setPath("/path/of/the/api/end/point/"); QWebEngineHttpRequest request = QWebEngineHttpRequest(); request.setUrl(this->apiUrl); request.setMethod(QWebEngineHttpRequest::Post); request.setHeader(QByteArray("Content-Type"), QByteArray("application/x-wwwform-urlencoded")); // Create the query qurlqr.addQueryItem("Class", "Patient"); qurlqr.addQueryItem("Method", "CreateOrder"); qurlqr.addQueryItem("LoginName", login); qurlqr.addQueryItem("Password", password); ... qurlqr.addQueryItem("patCountry", "CH"); qurlqr.addQueryItem("treatmentCode", ""); // Convert Query URL to QByteArray and set post data to request QByteArray postData = qurlqr.toString(QUrl::FullyEncoded).toUtf8(); request.setPostData(postData); QWebEngineView *webView = new QWebEngineView(this); webView->load(request);
But unfortunately this is not working, I think my problem is comming from postData but not sure. Do you have any advice to help me ? Any help will be appreciate.
AAAAAA I'm stupid, I did a spelling error !!!!
request.setHeader(QByteArray("Content-Type"), QByteArray("application/x-wwwform-urlencoded"));
must be
request.setHeader(QByteArray("Content-Type"), QByteArray("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"));
And it is working :-)