QFirmata on Windows 10
I'm trying to start a project trying to control a servo on an Arduino from a Qt GUI. I'm trying to work with a project on GitHub: callaa/qfirmata but the installation instructions don't work (assume they are for Linux).
I went ahead and created a blank QML project and added the primary Firmata file myself:
#include <QGuiApplication> #include <QQmlApplicationEngine> #include <QQmlEngine> #include "qfirmata-master/src/firmata.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling); QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); qmlRegisterType<Firmata>("Firmata", 1, 0, "Firmata"); QQmlApplicationEngine engine; const QUrl url(QStringLiteral("qrc:/main.qml")); QObject::connect(&engine, &QQmlApplicationEngine::objectCreated, &app, [url](QObject *obj, const QUrl &objUrl) { if (!obj && url == objUrl) QCoreApplication::exit(-1); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); engine.load(url); return app.exec(); }
Then I added the files into the .pro file like so:
SOURCES += \ main.cpp \ qfirmata-master/plugin.cpp \ qfirmata-master/src/firmata.cpp \ <snip - added them all> HEADERS += \ qfirmata-master/plugin.h \ qfirmata-master/src/firmata.h \ <snip - added them all>
and imported Firmata in my main.qml:
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.12 import Firmata 1.0 Window { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr("Hello World") Firmata { backend: SerialFirmata { device: "COM4" //Configure pin #13 as a digital output pin //(On Arduino Uno and other boards, this pin has a built-in LED) //The value of the pin (on/off) is bound to the value of the switch widget DigitalPin { output: true pin: 13 value: led_switch.checked } } } }
(code is from an example in the Firmata folder)
When I try to run this Qt complains that 'SerialFirmata is not a type', also, when I try different things to troubleshoot, it will complain that other things in the included files are 'not a type' such as DigitalPin, so I think I'm missing something fundamental.
I'm wondering if anyone has gotten anything like this working on Windows 10?
@MScottM said in QFirmata on Windows 10:
but the installation instructions don't work
Please show any errors/output of what "didn't work"
In addition, please describe your environment (so far we only know th OS, so state Qt version and compiler in use)As a workaround, could it be possible that you try using this QFirmata in a virtual machine with Linux?
Hi @Pablo-J-Rogina!
Here is more info:
Qt Creator 4.10.1
Kit- Desktop Qt 5.12.3 MinGW 64bitThe install instructions state:
Build:qmake-qt5 make
Install (as root):
make install
I used the Qt 5.12.3 command window and changed directory to the qfirmata-master folder. Since qmake-qt5 is not a valid command, I used 'qmake' - this created various makefiles in the directory. Then I tried 'qmake install' and it reported 'cannot find file: install'.
@MScottM if you read the instructions correctly, it's
andmake install
, notqmake install
!You might need to replace
though (assuming you use MinGW).Afterwards you can use it like any other Qt module.
@aha_1980 said in QFirmata on Windows 10:
Hi @aha_1980!
Thank you for that suggestion - I didn't know 'mingw32-make' was possible. I tried it:
mingw32-make install
and it completed without errors. I tried to run the servo example, as suggested in the Github page by running it with qmlscene, but it failed reporting 'servo.qml:7 module Firmata is not installed'.
I think I need to add a file: '\qfirmata-master\Firmata\qmldir' to the .pro file, but I'm not exactly sure how. I'll keep trying to figure this out!
Best regards
Sorry to bump this! I've made a little progress, but now I'm seeing a different behavior and I need some help!!
The SERVO example program compiled and ran once, but even though I can see the RX/TX lights flashing in response to the inputs from the GUI, the servo didn't respond (tried all possible pins & looked at pins that weren't selected by software). The next time I tried to run the program, it DID run, but Qt says it can't find the Firmata import:
What is going on!!?
I'm continuing to try what I can think of, hoping someone has some insight!
I put the import path into the .pro file:
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/qfirmata-master/imports/Firmata # Additional import path used to resolve QML modules in Qt Creator's code model QML_IMPORT_PATH += $$PWD/qfirmata-master/imports/Firmata
And the error changed to this:
QML module does not contain information about components contained in plugins.
Module path: C:/Qt/5.12.3/mingw73_64/qml/Firmata
See "Using QML Modules with Plugins" in the documentation.Automatic type dump of QML module failed.
"C:\Qt\5.12.3\mingw73_64\bin\qmlplugindump.exe" returned exit code 3.
Arguments: -nonrelocatable Firmata 1.0 .
QQmlComponent: Component is not ready
file:///C:/Qt/5.12.3/mingw73_64/qml/typelist.qml:3:1: plugin cannot be loaded for module "Firmata": The plugin 'C:/Qt/5.12.3/mingw73_64/qml/Firmata/qmlfirmataplugin.dll' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)Wondering about the incompatible library...?