QtCreator: can't find a way to search globally for a symbol usage
Since I've installed qt creator 4.7 then updated to 4.10 version I've not been able to find all lines referencing to a symbol throughout the whole project: anymore - with previous version I used along with qt 5.7 I was able to - context menu entry "Find references to Symbol Under Cursor" only finds references in the current file and its counter part h/cpp, not in the whole application.
This is a real limitation. Is there any setting that can modifie this behaviour?
thank you -
Hi @Black-Imp,
Since Creator 4.7 the Clang Code Model is active by default. What happens if you deactivate it in Help > About Plugins > Clang Code Model and restart Creator?
@Black-Imp does that also happen with a minimal project? Can you show the effect?
no it's not a minimal project.
I've just noticed that this problem involves only my singleton classes:
if I search for references to "getInstance" that is the function returning singleton object it works correctly.
It does NOT for all the other functions.
Searching for functions in any other non singleton classes it works.It's quite simple: you have a classe FooManager, with some funcions. if you right click on a function name used all over the classes, and you select "Find References of Symbol under cursor" it lists only references in foomanager.h and foomanager.cpp thou it's used in many other places.
Notice that before switching to qtcreator 4.7 it used to work perfectly.
@Black-Imp so please provide a minimal project for reproducing. If it turns out to be a bug, we need that anyway.