QGrachphicsItem can not been hit
General and Desktop
I meet a strange issue about QGraphicsItem.
1.I define a custom Rect item which derive from QGraphicsItem and rewrite the boundingRect,shape,paint.codes are as follows.
QRectF CameraRectangleItem::boundingRect() const { qreal extra = 30.0; return QRectF(m_startPoint.x(),m_startPoint.y(),m_width,m_height) .normalized() .adjusted(-extra,-extra,extra,extra); //return QGraphicsRectItem::boundingRect(); } QPainterPath CameraRectangleItem::shape() const { QPainterPath path; path.addRect(m_startPoint.x(),m_startPoint.y(),m_width,m_height); return path; } void CameraRectangleItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { QPen myPen; if(this->isSelected()) myPen.setColor(QColor(0,0,184)); else myPen.setColor(Qt::green); painter->setPen(myPen); painter->setBrush(Qt::transparent); painter->drawRect(m_startPoint.x(),m_startPoint.y(),m_width,m_height); if(this->m_isDrawFontState) { QFont font("宋体",20,QFont::Bold,false); painter->setFont(font); painter->drawText(m_startPoint.x(), m_startPoint.y(), MyString::intToString(this->m_index)+":"+MyString::intToString(this->m_actualMatchValue)+"/"+MyString::intToString(this->m_presetMatchValue)); } void CameraRectangleItem::updatePos(QPointF endPoint) { m_width = endPoint.x() - m_startPoint.x(); m_height = endPoint.y() - m_startPoint.y(); //this->update(m_startPoint.x(),m_startPoint.y(),m_width,m_height); }
2, in the scene,when the mouse press,add new item to scene,
3.when the mouse release, I call item's updatePos to update item's width and height.it woke fine for the drawing the item.
here come the issue.
1.when I click the red zone as the picture shows. the item can not be hit.
2.and then I click the black zone as the picture shows, the item is selected.
3.in the step 2 , I move the item , and release the selection of the item.
at this time, when I click anywehre of the item ,as the picture shows, it can be hit
any one has any idea on this ? thanks.