How to combine Map and MouseArea
QML and Qt Quick
I use this code:
If I add MouseArea, I can't move the map. Please tell me how to move the card and receive a signal from MouseArea? -
It's works:
Map { id: mapview anchors.fill: parent plugin: plugin center: QtPositioning.coordinate(59.91, 10.75) zoomLevel: 14 MapItemView{ model: markerModel delegate: mapcomponent } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onPressAndHold: { var coordinate = mapview.toCoordinate(Qt.point(mouse.x,mouse.y)) markerModel.addMarker(coordinate) } } } Component { id: mapcomponent MapQuickItem { id: marker anchorPoint.x: image.width/4 anchorPoint.y: image.height coordinate: position sourceItem: Image { id: image source: "qrc:/Images/Images/markerRed.png" } } }