How to add a QListView to QFileDialog?
I want to add a checklist to the native save file dialog. Is this possible in Qt, or do I have to show a modal window with the list prior to using QFileDialog?
I hope I'm not speaking out of turn/rubbish, but the point of the Native File Dialog is that you cannot alter it? Would you consider using the Qt one? Not that I know how to do it (probably sub-classing) but I think that does allow alterations? -
Yes, the Qt one looks a bit different.If you want to interact with the native one, then you become platform-specific (and you haven't mentioned which platform(s) you target). I don't know how/think that Qt gives you access to the native dialog.
But if you are Windows look at, say, It's very old, but I think it's showing how you can call the native dialog yourself from Qt, and then maybe you can add those checkboxes if you think the native API has that?