Webview always over other objects
Mobile and Embedded
@Mikeeeeee Show your code, especially the part where you create webview...
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 import QtWebView 1.13 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13 import AppCore 1.0 Item { //id:web_page property string url_d: "" property int id: 0 property bool e_v: true property string text_sch: "" property bool empty_page: true property int tabs_caunt: 0 WebView { id: webView //z: 1 anchors { top:tf_search_input.bottom left: parent.left right:parent.right bottom:foot_layout.top } // Component.onCompleted: { // if(url_d=="") // { // url : initialUrl // console.log("in func "+url_d) // } // else url: url_d // } onLoadingChanged: { if (loadRequest.errorString) { webView.url=utils.fromUserInput_text(text_sch) } // console.log(webView.title); //webView.title получать имя сайта } } // Rec // { // id:top_layout // anchors // { // top: parent.top // left: parent.left // right:parent.right // } // enabled: e_v // visible: e_v TextField { id: tf_search_input //Layout.preferredWidth:parent.width*0.9 height: 40 width: parent.width text: webView.url placeholderText: "Search" anchors { top: parent.top left: parent.left right:parent.right } enabled: e_v visible: e_v onAccepted: { text_sch=text empty_page=false webView.url = utils.fromUserInput(text) } background: Rectangle { anchors.fill:parent height: 40 radius:10 //color:Qt.lighter("grey") border.color:"black" } } RowLayout { id: foot_layout anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right bottom: parent.bottom } height: 40 enabled: e_v visible: e_v ToolButton { Layout.leftMargin: 15 id: btn_back_arrow // height: 40 /// width: 40 icon.source: "qrc:/icons/icons8-arrowl-50.png" background: Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "#00000000" } // Image { // //anchors.fill: parent // height: 40 // width: 40 // anchors.centerIn: parent // source: "qrc:/icons/icons8-arrowl-50.png" // //fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit // } onClicked: webView.goBack() enabled: webView.canGoBack } ToolButton { id: btn_forward_arrow //height: 40 //width: 40 icon.source: "qrc:/icons/icons8-arrow-50.png" // Image { // height: 40 // width: 40 // anchors.centerIn: parent // source: "qrc:/icons/icons8-arrow-50.png" // fillMode: Image.Stretch // } background: Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "#00000000" } onClicked: webView.goForward() enabled: webView.canGoForward } ToolButton { id: btn_activ height: 40 width: 40 // Image { // height: 40 // width: 40 // anchors.centerIn: parent // source: "qrc:/icons/qt.png" // // fillMode: Image.Stretch // } text: tabs_caunt //icon.name: text //icon.source: "qrc:/icons/qt.png" //enabled: true // background: Rectangle // { // anchors.fill: parent // color: "#00000000" // border.color:"black" // Label // { // id: num_tabs // anchors.centerIn: parent // text: tabs_caunt // } // } onClicked: { e_v=false if(id!=0) { loader.pop() } else { id=0 if(tf_search_input.text!="") { //AppCore.appendOpenTab(tf_search_input.text,webView.title) } loader.push("ListView1.qml") } } // loader.push("ListView1.qml") } ToolButton { id: btn_settings Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight background: Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "#00000000" } icon.source: "qrc:/icons/menu.png" onClicked: { myMenu.open() //console.log(btn_settings.height +" "+btn_settings.width) } Menu { id: myMenu x: parent.width-width y: parent.height - foot_layout.height - myMenu.height z:1 transformOrigin: Menu.BottomRight MenuItem { text: "Copy Url" onTriggered: console.log("Copy Url") } MenuItem { text: "Translate Page" onTriggered: webView.url=("https://translate.google.com.ua/translate?sl=auto&tl=ru&u="+tf_search_input.text) } MenuItem { text: "Downloads" onTriggered: loader.push("ListViewDownload.qml") } } } } /*Menu { id: myMenu x: parent.width y: parent.height //- foot_layout.height - myMenu.height z: 3 MenuItem { text: "Copy Url" onClicked: { console.log("Copy Url") //loader.source = "MyDataWindow.qml" } } MenuItem { text: "Translate Page" onClicked: { webView.url=("https://translate.google.com.ua/translate?sl=auto&tl=ru&u="+tf_search_input.text) //loader.source = "ChatWindow.qml" } } MenuItem { text: "Downloads " onClicked: { console.log("Downloads ") //loader.source = "VideoWindow.qml" loader.push("ListViewDownload.qml") } } }*/ //проверить на телефоне при рабочей бд Shortcut { sequences: ["Back"] enabled: webView.canGoBack onActivated: { onClicked: webView.goBack() //enabled: webView.canGoBack } } Shortcut { sequence: "Menu" onActivated: myMenu.open() } Pane { id: pane anchors.centerIn: parent anchors.top: tf_search_input.bottom anchors.bottom: foot_layout.top anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right visible:(tf_search_input.activeFocus==true || empty_page==false) ? false : true Image { id: logo anchors.fill: parent anchors.centerIn: parent anchors.verticalCenterOffset: -50 fillMode: Image.Stretch source: "qrc:/icons/78113.png" } } }
Same issue still persists on android, using Qt 5.14.2 and 5.15.2.
But I guess it is simply not supported:
WebView documentation: "Due to platform limitations overlapping the WebView and other QML components is not supported."