Restarting Qt Creator all symbol information seems lost
I am using Qt Creator for browsing a legacy project which is ROS based and uses catkin tools with cmake as build system. When I build the project from Qt Creator I get all the navigation functionality and all the error markers about unknown types and names are gone as expected. If I then shutdown and restart Qt Creator, the errors are back and navigation does not work. This is annoying, since building the project takes quite some time. Has anyone experienced this behavior? Any global settings about caching symbol information?#
Sorry, I'm quite new to Qt Creator and may not be using all the correct terms :-( Any help is appreciated.
@joggerwolf Is the build directory deleted between closing and starting QtCreator?
@jsulm No, I just needed to reboot, and did not modify anything in the workspace in between. Could this be related to using ccache?
@joggerwolf said in Restarting Qt Creator all symbol information seems lost:
Could this be related to using ccache?
Could be .
You can try to disable ccache and see whether it makes a difference.