How to remove watermarks from the OSM card?
Mobile and Embedded
How to remove watermarks from the OSM card?
This is my code:import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.12 import QtLocation 5.12 import QtPositioning 5.12 Item { visible: true width: 480 height: 720 property double old : 19 property double now Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "#eee" Plugin { id: plugin name: "osm" PluginParameter { name: "osm.useragent"; value: "My great Qt OSM application" } } Map { id: maps anchors.fill: parent plugin: plugin gesture.enabled: true gesture.acceptedGestures: MapGestureArea.PinchGesture | MapGestureArea.PanGesture | MapGestureArea.FlickGesture gesture.flickDeceleration: 3000 zoomLevel: 19 center: QtPositioning.coordinate(55.845741, 37.660652) // Moscow copyrightsVisible: false activeMapType: maps.supportedMapTypes[5] //activeMapType: SatelliteMapNight //activeMapType: PedestrianMap //activeMapType: MapType.SatelliteMapNight //activeMapType: MapType.PedestrianMap onCenterChanged: { if (zoomLevel >= 17.5) { } } minimumZoomLevel: 1 focus: true PlaceSearchModel { id: mySearchModel plugin: plugin searchArea: visibleRegion.boundingGeoRectangle() onSearchAreaChanged: //it's work { console.log("onSearchAreaChanged :" ) console.log("count :" + mySearchModel.count) if (count == 1) { } } } GeocodeModel { //Location get(index) должно возвращать координаты id: geocodeModel plugin: plugin onLocationsChanged: { //console.log("count: " + geocodeModel.count) //console.log("bounds: " + geocodeModel.bounds) console.log("onLocationsChanged") if (count == 1) { console.log("text:" + geocodeModel.get(0).address.text ) console.log("coordinate:" + geocodeModel.get(0).coordinate) } } } } } }