2 or 3 weeks ago i compiled qmllive and it was working correctly. https://github.com/qtproject/qt-apps-qmllive/tree/5.13
Today i tryed to run it, but got error "Qt5Core.dll is missing" ..,
i deleted everything in the build directory and try to rebuildnow I use Qt5.13.0 / mingw73_64, i'm able to build qmllive from command line :
git clone http://code.qt.io/qt-apps/qmllive.git cd qt-apps-qmllive git checkout -b 5.13 origin/5.13 mkdir build && cd build qmake.. mingw32-make install
but get error when i try to run the executable :
Entry Point _ZdaPvy Not Found not found in libstdc++-6.dllDoes someone have an idea on what the problem is please ?
@jsulm thank you
indeed it looks like you are right : it is using libstdc++ from my gstreamer install dir...
Could you please tell me how to force right libs to be used ?@LeLev said in qt-apps-qmllive:
@jsulm i only have this 2 in my PATH
C:\Qt\Tools\mingw730_64\bin;i have this in my PATH > C:\gstreamer\1.0\x86_64\
@LeLev You could deploy the app https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/windows-deployment.html
Or as temporary solution set PATH before calling your app in a batch script. Add the correct MinGW directory at the beginning of your PATH.