no rule to make target Qt-5-12.4/lib/libQt5Quick.a
I compiled qt static using
..\configure -debug-and-release -static -opensource -opengl desktop -nomake examples -nomake tests
for testing purposes, and then created a simple Qml standard file.
When i try to compile it with this static version, it through no rule to make target C:/Qt/Qt-5.12.4/lib/libQt5Quick.a
when i search for this file, i don't find it.
What i am doing wrong?Note: If i compile with 5.13 which is dll linked, it works fine.
you need to check if all the modules are installed in built folder or not. can you show me your make file please?
I have started a new compile but still waiting till if finishes and i dont know if i get the same issue
my new make file is here -
Can you tell for what platform you are building it from source?
also show me you /usr/local/qt5.12.4/lib folder contents.
Does it has libQt5Quick.atry to use these commands:
./init-repository -f --module-subset=qtbase,qtdeclarative,qtwebsockets,qtsvg,qtquickcontrols,qtquickcontrols2,qtgraphicaleffects./configure -opensource -confirm-license -xplatform wasm-emscripten -release -static -no-feature-thread -nomake examples -no-dbus -no-ssl -no-qml-debug
I have found a solution for this, i used -make tools -make libs in the configure command and it was solved.
However i have another issue with openssl, i compiled static and now i can not link against the static library