Getting NumLock and keyboard numeric keypad to work for button presses.
General and Desktop
While I have been able to get the generic number sequence 0-9 working with my keyboard by using the Keys QML type:
Keys.onDigit0Pressed: outValue+=0 Keys.onDigit1Pressed: outValue+=1 Keys.onDigit2Pressed: outValue+=2 Keys.onDigit3Pressed: outValue+=3 Keys.onDigit4Pressed: outValue+=4 Keys.onDigit5Pressed: outValue+=5 Keys.onDigit6Pressed: outValue+=6 Keys.onDigit7Pressed: outValue+=7 Keys.onDigit8Pressed: outValue+=8 Keys.onDigit9Pressed: outValue+=9
I was wondering how I might go about getting the numeric keyboard keys to work when the user has NumLock on, is that possible?