How to add "property alias" only for testing at "QML" file.
QML and Qt Quick
I want to add "property alias" only for testing at QML file.
Is there any way to do it ?//sample.qml Item { // I want to these properties for testing only. property alias innerListView: idListView property alias currentItem: idListView.currentItem ListView { id: idListView anchors.fill: parent clip: true model: weekModel delegate: Component { id: weekDelegate Item { id: delegateItem property alias text: menuText.text Text { id :menuText text: modelData } } } } ListModel { id: weekModel ListElement{day: "Sunday"} ListElement{day: "Monday"} ListElement{day: "Tuesday"} ListElement{day: "Wednesday"} ListElement{day: "Thursday"} ListElement{day: "Saturday"} } }
Is there any way to do like this ?
//Rough idea #ifdef TEST property alias innerListView: idListView #endif
hi @dmhk_4ss and welcome
something like this could be done.
Inside your main set a property depending on specific circumstances, in this example, debug or not debug
QQmlApplicationEngine engine; #ifdef QT_DEBUG engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("debug", true); #else engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("debug", false); #endif
property var innerListView: debug ? idListView : undefined //can't assign undefined to an alias -> var