QT_TR_NOOP does not get recognized from lupdate
I have this code:
#include <QApplication> #include <QMessageBox> #include <QTranslator> int main(int argc, char **argv) { QApplication app{argc, argv}; QTranslator translator; translator.load("noop_de_DE"); app.installTranslator(&translator); QVector<QString>texts = { QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("main", "URL"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("main", "Title"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("main", "Publisher") }; QVector<QString>texts2 = { QT_TR_NOOP("This is a very special string."), QT_TR_NOOP("And this is just as special")}; QMessageBox::information( nullptr, qApp->translate("main",texts[2].toStdString().c_str()), qApp->translate(nullptr,texts2[1].toStdString().c_str()) ); }
If I run lupdate only the strings in
get added to the translation file. WHYQT_TR_NOOP
is not recognized?It gives
tr() cannot be called without context
for the lines withQT_TR_NOOP
Also it says in the help that qApp->translate() is obsolete bur does not mention whats the alternative in QT5.
See https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/i18n-source-translation.html#using-qt-tr-noop-and-qt-translate-noop-in-c
For QT_TR_NOOP you need a context (= class derived from QObject) where you define your strings to translate. So since you don't have a class here the correct way is to use QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP
And why do you store your untranslated strings as QString at all? Simple char* would be enough and would save you the strange toStdString().c_str() stuff (which should be replaced to toUtf8().constData() if really needed...) -
well i have it from an example in QT4 which looks like this:
#include <QApplication> #include <QMessageBox> #include <QTranslator> int main( int argc, char **argv ) { QApplication app( argc, argv ); QTranslator translator; translator.load( "noop_sv_SE" ); app.installTranslator( &translator ); char *texts[] = { QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("main","URL"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("main","Title"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("main","Publisher") }; char *texts2[] = { QT_TR_NOOP( "This is a very special string."), QT_TR_NOOP( "And this is just as special.") }; QMessageBox::information( 0, qApp->translate("main",texts[2]), qApp->translate(0,texts2[1]) ); return 0; }
I turn on c++17 compilation in the project. Than i get complains that in C++11 to convert from char* to string literals is not allowed. Also in this example code QT_TR_NOOP is used and seems to work. But its based on a old QT4 version.
Because your char strings must be const -> const char *texts[].
QT_TR_NOOP can't work - see documentation.