Using MouseWheel for zoom: too many wheel events
QML and Qt Quick
I have my custom plot, into which I want to zoom using the mouse wheel. My problem is, that when I scroll the wheel fast, I do not get one wheel event with a big
but several wheel events with the sameangleDelta.y
. This is problematic for me, because themouseX
position sets the center of the zoom. Thus if the wheel is scrolled fast, also the center is moving. Do you have a suggestion how I could improve this? -
Ok, I have a solution using a timer:
MouseArea { id: zoomArea anchors.fill: parent acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton hoverEnabled: true property double zoomX: 0 // used as zoom position for wheel scrolling property double zoomY: 0 // used as zoom position for wheel scrolling Timer{ id: zoomPosDelay running: false repeat: false interval: 500 } onWheel: { if(zoomPosDelay.running==false) { zoomX = plot.xPixToData(mouseX) zoomY = plot.yPixToData(mouseY) } zoomPosDelay.start() if(wheel.angleDelta.y>0) { plot.setViewZoomWheel(zoomX,zoomY,1.2)
But my zoom does not feel natural yet. The problem is, that center the plot around the mouse position before the wheel event, which results in a big jump (translation) of the area. What is the standard way to deal with this e.g. in maps?