QStringListModel, AccessibleTextRole and NVDA (Braille Displays and Speech)
I have an application with a ListView, which uses a QStringListModel to store / manage the data, and am using the application on a Windows PC, using NVDA screen reader with a braille display.
The entries in the ListView contain dates and times, e.g. "Sun 14 Aug 12:30", and I'd like to see the same text as on the screen displayed on the braille display, and a more understandable version spoken, e.g. "Sunday the 14th August, twelve thirty pm".
I realised that if the QStringListModel is overridden, I can add responses for additional roles, and have managed to add a response for the Qt::AccessibleTextRole, which means that the ListView shows one thing on the screen, and speaks another thing - however, the braille display now shows the spoken 'view', rather than the screen view.
**Q: What can I do to have the same output on the screen and Braille display, but override the spoken output?
Q: Is it something I can do with roles in the overridden QStringListModel?**
I've attached my "working" AccessibleStringListModel class - this class shows one thing on the screen (Qt::DisplayRole), but both speaks and displays on the braille display the other (Qt::AccessibleTextRole).
Thanks, Steve
#include "accessiblestringlistmodel.h" AccessibleStringListModel::AccessibleStringListModel() { } bool AccessibleStringListModel::insertRow(int row, const QModelIndex &parent) { QList<QVariant> newentry ; newentry.append(QVariant("")); newentry.append(QVariant("")); newentry.append(QVariant("")); modeldata.insert(row, newentry) ; return true ; } bool AccessibleStringListModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, QVariant data, int role) { int row = index.row() ; if (row<0 || row>=modeldata.size()) return false ; const QList<QVariant>& selected = modeldata.at(row) ; switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: { QVariant& item = (QVariant&)selected.at(0) ; item.setValue(data) ; emit dataChanged(index, index) ; return true ; } break ; case Qt::AccessibleTextRole: { QVariant& item = (QVariant&)selected.at(1) ; item.setValue(data) ; emit dataChanged(index, index) ; return true ; } break ; case Qt::UserRole: { QVariant& item = (QVariant&)selected.at(2) ; item.setValue(data) ; emit dataChanged(index, index) ; return true ; } break ; default: return false ; break ; } } QVariant AccessibleStringListModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { int row = index.row() ; if (row<0 || row>=modeldata.size()) return QVariant() ; const QList<QVariant>& selected = modeldata.at(row) ; switch (role){ case Qt::DisplayRole: return selected.at(0) ; break ; case Qt::AccessibleTextRole: return selected.at(1) ; break ; case Qt::UserRole: return selected.at(2) ; break ; default: return QVariant() ; } } QModelIndex AccessibleStringListModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent) ; Q_UNUSED(column) ; return createIndex(row, column) ; } int AccessibleStringListModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent) ; return modeldata.size() ; } Qt::ItemFlags AccessibleStringListModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const { if (!index.isValid()) return 0; return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable; }
I have no way of testing but try setting the string you want spoken out to
to the same asQt::DisplayRole
for the braille.P.S.
is wrong:- You forgot to call
is not virtual,insertRows
is. You should override that method instead
- You forgot to call
Thanks for the reply, and for the ps hints!
I did try both the AccessibleTextRole and the AccessibleDescriptionRole, but in each case, the spoken output matches the displayed output.
DisplayRole & AccessibleTextRole:
QListWidget: DisplayRole Text
Braille Display: AccessibleTextRole Text
Spoken: AccessibleTextRole TextDisplayRole & AccessibleDescriptionRole
QListWidget: DisplayRole Text
Braille Display: DisplayRole Text then AccessibleTextRoleText
Spoken: DisplayRole Text then AccessibleTextRoleTextI am beginning to think that it is not possible to differentiate these accessible string outputs within Qt - is that right?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
To have a definite answer, you should bring your question to the interest mailing list. The developers behind the accessibility features are there. This is more a user forum.