Remove property animation
We have decided our current virtualKeyboard does not match up well enough to our number pad and so we want to alter it and or get rid of it all together and replace it. Currently, the only thing stopping me from being able to reuse the current code is this keyboard's property animation. At least, I believe it is the property animation (new to QML and Qt).. basically once you click on the input text box it sort of slides up from the bottom of the screen. I believe that is the property animation that this code is referring too:
... property alias focusControl: focusControlArea.enabled property AbstractInputField target: null readonly property bool shown: target !== null readonly property real targetYOffset: { if (target === null) return 0 var globalTargetPos = target.mapToItem(null, 0, target.height) var keyboardPanelY = keyboardPanel.height - visiblePanel.height if(globalTargetPos.y > keyboardPanelY) return keyboardPanelY - globalTargetPos.y else return 0 } y: shown ? 0 : height z: 1000 width: parent.width height: parent.height Behavior on y { PropertyAnimation {} } MouseArea { id: focusControlArea width: parent.width anchors.bottom: onClicked: target.cancel() } Rectangle { id: visiblePanel y: parent.height - height width: parent.width height: styleKeyboardPanel.keyHeight * 4 + styleKeyboardPanel.keySpacing * 3 + styleKeyboardPanel.padding * 2 color: styleKeyboardPanel.colorBackground MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent } ...
If I can simply alter this current keyboard s/t it doesn't slide up from the bottom of the screen but instead opens up a window of its own than with enough alteration to the style and format of it I wont have to re-write an entirely new keyboard. Perhaps someone could give me a clue as to how I can go about getting rid of this property animation?
@Circuits said in Remove property animation:
Behavior on y { PropertyAnimation {} }
Commenting this should remove the animation, basically it says that when
changes, it is animated from old position to new one, with a duration of 250ms by default.