Installation of mysql for Android Qt 5.12.0 android_armv7
I have installed for android qt 5.9.0 by using
the described steps in below website help me for installation of mysql plugins for qt 5.12.0 android_armv7
What do you need help with? Are you getting any errors? Which operating system are you using?
Also, please use 5.12.3 if you're at it. The .0 release was shamefully buggy.
dont know the process of installing mysql plugins for android qt 5.12.0 android_armv7
I have used the script which mention in this site
the error I have got is in toolchain path -
for qt 5.9.1 android_armv7 in sqldrive folder file is present but when i build and run it it show error like mysql driver not loadthen I checked with command ldd it shows not dynamic executable
Sorry I don't have a crystal ball. If you want me to help you, you need to provide enough information... posting exact error messages is a good start. Stating which script you have run would help, too. As would answering my previous questions.
Lastly - do you really need MySQL/MariaDB? Won't a simple SQLite db be enough for you?