Windows source build - no ActiveQt
I built a static version of. 5.12.0 on windows, from source, and ActiveQt was not available.
I then followed the instructions in the ActiveQt doc for building static libraries. This gave me axserver and container but not AxBase.
(I also tried copying AxBase from src/qtactiveqt/lib but these give me unreferenced symbol errors.)
Are there any further instructions for getting ActiveQt in a windows build please.
Cheers, Huw
To clarify, I understood from looking into deployment options in Windows 10 that having a static version of Qt was a good option. This was after reading the website, wiki, etc, and trying the dependency walker. After I have already spent a long time on this I am reluctant to now change to using shared libraries to distribute my app in Windows 10.
Cheers, Huw