ScaleAnimator does not work.
QML and Qt Quick
I have a simple code:
Rectangle { id: rect width: 100; height: 100 color: "red" ParallelAnimation { running: true NumberAnimation { target: rect; property: "x"; to: 500; duration: 1000 } NumberAnimation { target: rect; property: "y"; to: 500; duration: 1000 } RotationAnimation { target: rect; from: 0; to: 360; duration: 1000 } ScaleAnimator { target: rect; from: 0; to: 10; duration: 1000 } } }
The code works on one machine, but when I transfer the code to another computer, with the same QT version 5.12.3, the ScaleAnimator does not work.
NumberAnimations and RotationsAnimations work. When they are finished, the size immediately jumps from 100x100 to 1000x1000 without animation.
What could be a reason for ScaleAnimator to not work?Can it be because I do not have a GPU?