qtreeview item text too long
in my
i have an item whose text is long so currently my item takes up height of three normal rows.i've tried setting
to the tree view but none worked.when i widen the column, the text appears in three rows. what i need is the text to appear in one row, and i wanna have the text elided from right. how can i do that?
Can you give a minimal compilable example that shows that behaviour ?
What version of Qt are you using ?
On what platform ? -
sorry but i cannot write an example that shows the behavior.
but in my actual code i have a tree view two modes.
when i have this structure:"small text" |__"long text"
the row heights are okay. but when i have
"long text" |__"short text"
both rows have the height of three normal rows (i've set setUniformRowHeights(true), when i remove it, only first row is tall).
Summoning @Christian-Ehrlicher as I think this one is a bug he sqashed
@VRonin: According from the description it could be but we can't check... so @user4592357 either post some code to reproduce the problem or test with 5.12.3
i finally understood what the problem is. my item had newlines in it.
but if i remove the newlines in my items then i will have two problems:- for every item i'll have to do it
- i'm using these node texts in sql queries. so when i removed the newlines, the text didn't match the text in the database.
what can i do here?
class NoNewLinesDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate { Q_OBJECT Q_DISABLE_COPY(NoNewLinesDelegate) public: QString displayText(const QVariant &value, const QLocale &locale) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { QString baseText = QStyledItemDelegate::displayText(value, locale); return baseText.replace(m_newLineRegExp,QStringLiteral(" ")); } explicit NoNewLinesDelegate(QObject* parent = Q_NULLPTR) : QStyledItemDelegate(parent) , m_newLineRegExp(QStringLiteral("[\r\n]+")) {} private: const QRegularExpression m_newLineRegExp; };
Now you just need to call
treeView->setItemDelegate(new NoNewLinesDelegate(treeView));
i tried to set this delegate to my tree view but the items are still displayed as before. in displayText(), i printed both before and after versions of text, and they're correct. i think the reason it's still the same is that the text is too long (200 chars)? -
So if it is indeed the case that the text is too long for display, amend @VRonin's code which currently removes any newline to also limit the output to whatever length you consider acceptable. -
I don't know, have you tried it? Does the resize for text not respect your shortened text returned fromdisplayText()