Dynamic creation of a "standard" QML object (not from my own .qml file)
All the articles/posts I found show the use of Qt.createComponent() to load a Component from a QML url, and then to instantiate it:
component = Qt.createComponent(sourceQml);
myControl = component.createObject(parentElement);
@I want to dynamically create an instance of a "known" QML object that I don't have the path to. In my case it's RadioButton from the Qt-Components library but it can be anything else.
What's the syntax for it?
You can use "createQmlObject()":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qml-qt.html#createQmlObject-method
That would help me if I wanted to code the QML itself on the fly.
But I want to use an existing QML object. Like <Image> or <Text>. -
var newObject = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 1.0; Rectangle {}', parentItem, "dynamicSnippet1");
@This will create a Rectangle item.
That's a cool way of doing it. Thanks!
I ended up using a wrapper QML file anyway for other needs, but I will actually need to update it now to another component. So I think I'll try this new method too. Thanks!