How to draw and change the region (semi-transparent) on top of a QLabel or QImage?
I using Image Viewer Example
How to draw and change the region (semi-transparent) on top of a QLabel or QImage? -
@Mikeeeeee Subclass QLabel and override
Here is an example: -
I found such an example, but for some reason it does not draw.Please tell me what needs to be fixed here?
#include <QMainWindow> #include <QScrollArea> #include <QLabel> #include <QApplication> #include <QPainter> class MyLabel : public QLabel { protected: virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* e) { QLabel::paintEvent(e); QPainter p(this); p.setPen(Qt::green); p.drawLine(0, 0, 100, 100); } }; class ImageView : public QMainWindow { public: ImageView() : QMainWindow() { QScrollArea* scr = new QScrollArea(); setCentralWidget( scr ); QLabel* label = new MyLabel(); label->setPixmap(QPixmap("./moon_from_andrey.jpg")); scr->setWidget(label); } }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); ImageView view; view.setGeometry(100, 100, 500, 400);; return app.exec(); }
-but for some reason it does not draw.
You dont see the line or you dont see the image at all ? -
You use mousePress / mouseRelease and mouseMove events for that.
Look here.
to see the logic. Basically we store the point on press, and update it in mouseMove, if
we see mouseRelease, the line is done.
You need the similar code in your MyLabel. -
Do you see the image when you don't reimplement your paint event? I would guess no.
You can just move the line code to your MyLabel and draw directly there.
You dont need PaintWidget, it was just to show the logic of how to handle line drawing.However, i do wonder if you plan to be able to move the line after they are drawn or select them again ?
Hi- In this example, how do you make it possible to draw lines instead of lines, as in Paint when you click curves?
im not sure what you ask?
When you click Curve in paint, you draw a curve, not a straight line.
(it looks like a Bezier Curve, but im not sure)Do you mean to draw a curve instead of a line?
You might be able to use
also some backgroundézier_curve#Higher-order_curves -
What you show there seems to be just random paint. ( lots of points )
The sample you link seems to have some curve code
but the image you show as an example, its just drawn following the move and it is not a curve or line.So you want to make a free painting function?
well if you still using code from paintWidgetif(m_nbMousePressed)
painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, m_nPTargetPixmap);
painter.drawPoint(m_line.p2() ); // paint the single point.
wasPressed = true;
}p2() is updated from
void PaintWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) -
Did so, still draws a line.
void PaintWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { static bool wasPressed = false; QPainter painter(this); if(m_nbMousePressed) { //painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, m_nPTargetPixmap); //painter.drawLine(m_line); painter.drawPoint(m_line.p2() ); // paint the single point. wasPressed = true; } else if(wasPressed) { QPainter PixmapPainter(&m_nPTargetPixmap); QPen pen(Qt::green); PixmapPainter.setPen(pen); PixmapPainter.drawLine(m_line); painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, m_nPTargetPixmap); wasPressed = false; } }
Maybe you need to change:
Did so, also does not work
void PaintWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { static bool wasPressed = false; QPainter painter(this); if(m_nbMousePressed) { //painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, m_nPTargetPixmap); //painter.drawLine(m_line); painter.drawPoint(m_line.p2() ); // paint the single point. wasPressed = true; } else if(wasPressed) { QPainter PixmapPainter(&m_nPTargetPixmap); QPen pen(Qt::green); PixmapPainter.setPen(pen); //PixmapPainter.drawLine(m_line); PixmapPainter.drawPoint(m_line.p2()); painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, m_nPTargetPixmap); wasPressed = false; } }
ok. you have to debug it then :)
Found the solution here