FocusScope doesn't give the child focus properly
Hi all,
In the FocusScope example here using the following code, there's no focus shown when running the project. The tab key doesn't give/change the focus either!
import QtQuick 2.12 FocusScope { width: 96; height: input.height + 8 Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "lightsteelblue" border.color: "gray" } property alias text: input.text property alias input: input TextInput { id: input width: 100; height: 20 anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 4 focus: true } }
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.5 Window { visible: true width: 600; height: 400 color: "linen" TLineEditV1 { id: input1 anchors.topMargin: 10 text: "text 1" } TLineEditV1 { id: input2 input1.bottom anchors.topMargin: 5 text: "text 2" } }
What is the problem, please?
Hi @tomy , inside your FocusScope give this:-
To have focus on tab give this:-
activeFocusOnTab :true
To default focus when you launch the project give this:-
focus: true
To default focus when you launch the project give this:-
focus: trueIt's set to true there, beforehand. But no cursor blinking inside any of the text inputs!
Hi @tomy , have you made the 2 changes inside the FocusScope ?
Because i have just copy pasted your code and added the 2 lines which i mentioned above, when launched the default focus is on the first TextInput and when tab is pressed the focus moves to the next TextInput.
Yes, but
activeFocusOnTab :true
is not mentioned in the book as far as I saw, so if it's mandatory, why is it not written there!? -
Hi @tomy , its mentioned in the documentation[]
By default its set to false.
Apart from the Tab key, why don't we have a default focus while it's set?
Hi @tomy , you need to set the focus, as i see from your code you have not set the focus anywhere.
Everything is clearly mentioned in the documentation with examples please have look once[]
It's previously set. Please look at TLineEditV1.qml once again:
... TextInput { id: input width: 100; height: 20 anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 4 focus: true // <= Here } ...
You can also test it yourself.
Hi @tomy , you have set the focus to the TextInput not the FocusScope, so TextInput will gain active focus only when FocusScope gains active focus.
Thank you, now solved.
The book sucks at times. It hasn't mentioned this.